All operations with investment instruments have to be conducted using a single account, which is chosen before making the first investment. All further operations related to investments (e.g. purchase, sale, dividends and custody charge) will be made only using the chosen account. The chosen account may be changed only when all active assets are sold or transferred and no recurring orders are placed.
By making an investment you are purchasing a CFD contract with maximum leverage 1 to 1. See contract specification here.
I do not represent any legal entity, I am not registered and do not stand as a member of any U.S. (or non U.S.) based financial regulatory body, exchange or securities professional association, including but not limited to SEC, CFTC, FINRA, and I do not act as investment adviser. Also I do not perform the same functions that would disqualify me as a Non-Professional User if I worked in the United States.
I confirm the above and I have read and agree with the brochure on Special Risks in Securities Trading.